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Share Your Story

When I first started this blog, the goal was to update friends and family with what was going on each week with Nolan. Quickly I started connecting with other parents and realized there was a level of shame that came with having a child with exceptional circumstances.

I knew this had to stop.

I will admit for the first month of Nolan's life we were in shock with everything going on and I kept blaming myself wondering what I did wrong to cause this. I didn't want anyone to know what we were going through.

One day I woke up and realized that as Nolan's grows up, I never wanted him to feel that anything about him was "wrong." We didn't see his ear when we looked at him; we saw him. We didn't see his heart defect; we saw our happy son.

It was that day that I knew that if I wanted him to grow up limitless, I needed to stop putting limitations on him.

I started connecting with more parents. Some had children with exceptional circumstances, and others were just a listening ear. Even children that are "normal" have a story, and so do their families.

As I connected with others and hearing their stories, I knew that this would be one part of the MORE from our blog. MORE connections. MORE friendships. MORE understanding. MORE learning. Each story had something MORE than the next.

I want to not only share our story but share others. I think it is so important that we connect with others to learn something new about the world. I hope that each story shared can bring awareness to different walks of life, different lifestyle choices, different ways of living, different diagnoses you might not be aware of, new light on old topics, etc.

The only constant that I hope each story brings is love and understanding.

Be sure to be on the lookout for the first "Share Your Story" post soon. If you would like to share your story with us, please reach out. I am always looking to get connected to more friends.

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