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18 Days Away

Today I woke up and couldn’t stop staring at this little one. He is the happiest baby and loves to laugh. We are so lucky. ⁣⁣

Some moments I forget about his heart condition. But this morning the thought of his upcoming surgery was weighing heavy. ⁣⁣

Some days I still can’t believe this is our journey. I would never want to “change” Nolan but I wish I could take his place in the operating room. ⁣

I have connected with some amazing heart moms that have made this journey a bit easier. They get it. They lived this. Their babies are so much stronger as a result of their scars.

18 days. Eighteen 18. November 8th is fast approaching.

We keep getting told how much he will change after surgery. I don’t fully understand how but I am excited for his heart to not have to work so hard.

We will get through this. One day at a time and whole lot of prayer.

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